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Saturday, 13 February 2016

interview question for network administrator 9

What is D T E-Data Terminal Equipment.

- It is a Digital device than generates, transmits and recieves messages.
- Terminal here is used to show the movement of messages in and out of the terminal.
- Server and the hosts maintain data and give information to Terminals.
- Examples: TTY: Teletypewriter or Keyboard.
ATMs. Automatic Teller Machines

Explain front end processcor (FEP).

- It is a type of data Terminal Equipment which is a digital device used to input data and give the required output.
- Performs data communications at host location.
- Host can communicate with all data circuits present at its server.
- The host location can also be remote from the server.
- The main advantage of FEP is it avoids slow processing.

Explain line control Unit (LCU).

- Performs communication related to remote location.
- Directs the flow of data from communication channel to terminals present at remote location.
- Perform serial to parrellel data conversion at transmitter and vice-versa at reciever.
- Also perform the error detection and correction of the packets sent.
- Control characters can be inserted or deleted from the packets easily .

Explain UART.

- Called Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter.
- Serial to parrallel conversion of data takes place at transmitter and vice –versa occurs at reciever.
- Start and stop bits are send with data without any clock pulses for synchronization .
- Formating of Data in Transmitter and Receiver takes place.
- Also allows Voltage level conversion at both ends. Error detection and correction and bits synchronization is possible and data is sent in form of bytes.

Explain USRT.

- Called universal synchronous receiver transmitter .
- Here clocking information in form of bits is also transferred with the data.
- Here no start and stop bits are transmitted with the data.
- Parity bits are inserted and data sent in form of Blocks.
- Transmit and receive status information is send or received.
- The synchronous & asynchronous receiver transmitter can be combined forming USART.

Explain SNRM

- Set normal response mode is an unnumbered command of synchronous data link control.
- This command places secondary station into normal response mode.
- In normal mode only the secondary station sends and receives information frames.
- Secondary station remains in normal mode until it receives a disconnect command.
- It is disconnected with an unnumbered acknowledgement.

What does address FF hex specify in SDLC address field.

- Synchronous data link control address field is 8 bit and FF hex represents the last address.
- This address is called as the broadcast address and is common to all secondary stations.
- Frame sent with broadcast address is simultaneously sent to all other stations.
- Since it is a 8 bit address so 256 addresses are possible.
- Remaining address can also be used as unique stations or as groups.

Explain BSC

- It is called as binary synchronous communications and is a type of synchronous data link protocol.
- It is sometimes also called as the bisync or bisynchronous communications.
- Each data transmission precedes a unique synchronization character (SYC).
- The message block can be poll, selection or an acknowledgement.
- The SYC character for ASCII is 16 hex.

What is block mode?

- Block mode is a data transmission mode used for transmitting and receiving data.
- Here data characters are not transmitted as they are typed.
- Here initially the data characters are stored in buffers at the time of typing.
- When the sender presses Enter key then only data is transmitted.
- This set of characters stored in buffers and then sent are called blocks.
- This mode is used in multidrop data communications.

Explain BOP.

- BOP is called as the bit oriented protocol used in data link protocols.
- It is used for serial bit by bit data transfer over communication channel.
- These bits can be interpreted individually or groups of bits rather fixed length groups.
- Here no dedicated data link control characters are required.
- Example: high level data link communications (HDLC).

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